All dogs in New York State require a license. Proof of a rabies vaccination from a veterinarian is required along with a certificate of spay or neutering. The rabies certificate must contain the date the shot was given and the expiration. For dogs that are unable to receive a rabies shot, a Certificate of Exemption from Rabies Vaccination MUST be completed by the attending veterinarian and the dog owner.
Dogs over the age of four (4) months must be licensed, per this application form. Dog licenses must be renewed every year according to the fees in this document.
You may register a new dog in a few different ways. First, you may stop in to the office during our regular business hours to apply in person. If you are unable to come to our office during our normal business hours, you may mail us the Dog License application which can be printed by clicking here. Fill out this application and provide us a copy of the dog’s most recent rabies vaccination and proof of spay/neuter (if applicable). Include your check in the envelope. The Town Clerk will process your application and mail you a tag for the dog’s collar, a copy of your license and return your rabies paperwork and proof of spay/neuter for you to retain for your records.
The current cost to license a dog are $15.00 for an unaltered dog (not spayed/neutered) and $7.00 for a dog that has been spayed/neutered. This is an annual fee. You will receive paperwork to license your dog the month prior to it being due.
Of course! We are happy to print copies of dog licenses renewals in the event that yours has been misplaced.
For first time Purebred dog owners, simply stop in to the Town Clerk’s office during business hours with your AKC certification and a list of the dogs you currently have. We will need to register each dog and provide their official License Number provided by the AKC. Each year, we will update your record to change (add/remove) dogs that you’ve re-homed or no longer have. The fee for this varies and is different than a regular dog license.
Yes. Regardless of Emotional Support Animal status, you will still be required to provide the letter/script from your doctor declaring the dog as an Emotional Support Animal and will need to provide us up-to-date rabies vaccine records and will be required to renew the license annually, just as you would with a standard dog license, however, the Clerk may waive the fee for the license at his/her discression.
Please note: The Town of Caledonia, New York, would like to remind residents and visitors that while emotional support animals (ESAs) are recognized under federal law for certain housing and travel accommodations, they are not granted the same public access rights as service animals.
By bringing an emotional support animal into public spaces or town-owned properties, the pet owner assumes full responsibility for the animal’s behavior and actions. The Town of Caledonia will not be held liable for any injuries, damages, or incidents caused by emotional support animals in public areas, including but not limited to biting, property damage, or disruption to other individuals or animals.
It is the responsibility of the pet owner to ensure that the emotional support animal is well-behaved, under control, and poses no risk to others. Pet owners are also required to adhere to all local ordinances regarding leash laws, noise, and waste disposal.
The Town of Caledonia encourages pet owners to exercise caution and consideration while in public areas to ensure a safe and positive environment for all.
Of course! We love to meet dogs in the community and have treats available.
Dogs over the age of four (4) months must be licensed.
If your rabies vaccine is current, you will be given the option to pay online, however, if you are due to have the rabies vaccine renewed within a month, the system will not allow you to renew your Dog License and you will be required to provide an updated vaccine record and payment either in person or by mail. If the rabies vaccine is given for a 3-year period, you may renew online. To renew your dog license online, click here.
Livingston County Dog Control works with the Town of Caledonia to ensure up-to-date dog records. Periodically, Livingston County Dog Control will mail out postcards to residents who forget to renew their dog license. If you receive a post card from the County, don’t panic! All you have to do is renew your license and we will submit the information to the County and your name will be removed from the delinquent list.
If you receive renewal paperwork and your dog has passed away, you can simply contact us to let us know of your loss and we will mark it in our system. This will tell the system that the license is no longer active and you will be removed from receiving renewals going forward.
Livingston County Dog Control has a website where you can find dogs in need of homes.
Yes. The Town of Caledonia can issue you a new tag for $3.00.
The Town of Caledonia only mails renewed licenses upon receipt of payment for the license to owners that send a pre-posted envelope with their payment. The Town of Caledonia will use your pre-stamped envelope to mail you your renewal as well as any supporting documentation you provided.