The Freedom of Information Law provides rights of access to records reflective of governmental decisions and policies that affect the lives of every New Yorker. However an agency does not have to create a new document in order to provide the individual the requested information.
The request for information if possible should supply dates, titles, file designation, or any other information that will help find the requested records.
Within 5 business days of the receipt of a written, online or emailed request for a record reasonably described, the agency must make the record available, deny access in writing giving the reasons for denial, or furnish a written acknowledgment of receipt of the request and a statement of the approximate date when the request will be granted or denied.
Records can be obtained from the Town by submitting the request in writing either by mail or in-person at the Town Clerk’s office.
To submit a FOIL Request to the Town of Caledonia, make sure your request is submitted either in writing or by mail or email, or in-person at the Town Clerk’s office. Please remember to include dates, titles, file designation or any other information that will be helpful for us to find the requested records.
The time it takes our office to gather the requested information will vary depending on the size and amount of records we hold for a particular request. It could be a few days or a month or two, depending on the request.
Within 5 business days of the receipt of a written, online, or emailed request for a record reasonably described, the agency must make the record available, deny your request in writing giving the reason(s) for denial, or furnish a written acknowledgement of the receipt of the request and a statement of the approximate date when the request will be granted or denied.
The Town of Caledonia does have a form available for a FOIL Request. You may either click here or stop in the office during business hours to request a form. The form is not required to submit a FOIL request. It is provided to assist the person making the request.
Depending on the size of your request, there may be a cost associated related to producing copies and mailings. If you request the information to be send electronically, there will be no fee associated with your request, however, if the volume of records cannot be digitized without much effort from the agency, the agency may elect to provide only hard copies of a record at a cost.