The Town of Caledonia is a licensed agent for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to issue hunting and fishing licenses, also known as DECALS. As an authorized vendor, we can assist you in purchasing your hunting and fishing licenses, including those for deer management permits (DMPs), as well as providing general information about the application process, regulations, and updated pricing.
Vendor Role: The Town of Caledonia is a vendor for New York State DECALS and is authorized to process your license purchases. However, please note that as a vendor, we do not have the ability to perform certain actions, such as issuing refunds for fees, printing licenses that are meant to be mailed by New York State, or offering free licenses to individuals. Every license bears a fee.
Discounts: You may be eligible for discounts on certain licenses. For more details on the discounts available, we encourage you to visit the official New York State DECALS website or inquire during your in-person visit.
Online & In-Person Options: You can purchase your hunting and fishing licenses online via the New York State DECALS website, or you can visit us in person at the Town of Caledonia during normal business hours. Our team will assist you with the process, but please keep in mind that we are unable to assist with certain matters outside of license sales, such as refunds or adjustments made directly by the state.
DECALS Process: To learn more about the entire process, including applying for Deer Management Permits (DMPs or Doe Tags), updated pricing, and the most current rules and regulations, please visit the official New York State DECALS website.
August 1 is the first day you can apply for DMP’s. The first round of DMP’s is only available until October 1. During this period, you may apply for (2) DMP’s in your selected areas. During this first round of DMP’s, the State operates their DECALS system on a “lottery” system. Certain areas highlighted on the local DMP map are harder to obtain than others.
As of February 2025, DMP’s typically cost $10.00. If the fee is paid in August or September, the hunter will have the option to apply for leftover DMP’s in the month of November at no additional cost. In November, the DMP’s are all left over and do not operate on the “lottery” system. You are guaranteed to get the area you select.
Around November 1 of each year, licensing agents such as the Town of Caledonia will have the ability to issue (2) additional permits, however, the areas will be limited. These operate on a first come first serve basis.
No. If you miss the October 1 deadline for the first round of DMP’s, you can apply for leftover DMP’s around Novemeber 1, however, you will only recieve two DMP’s.
New York State offers a significant automatic discount to senior citizens who are 70 years or older.
If you are Military Disabled, you may be eligible to receive a discount on a hunting/fishing license, however, it is not guaranteed. We recommend you contact New York State DECALS to inquire.
Disabled Veterans who are residents of New York and who have a service-connected disability rated at 40% or greater will receive preference on DMPs. Annually, you must bring a letter from the Veteran’s Administration, dated in the current year, with your case number and your disability percentage. If you are claiming permanent disabled status, the letter must clearly state that the service-related disability is ‘permanent’.
If you are a landowner and are denied DMP’s for your own property, unfortunately there is nothing that you can do. The DECALS system is built as a “lottery” system and although you may have preference points for being a landowner, it’s ultimately up to New York State whether you are issued the permits or not.
Preference points increase your chances of selection but do not guarantee DMP selection.
Preference points are won and lost on first permit selection only.
If you receive a DMP in your first choice WMU, all available preference points will be used, regardless whether the unit chosen was advertised as needing preference points or having high, medium, or low odds of being selected.
If you do not receive a DMP in your first choice WMU, you will receive a preference point for the following year.
Any preference points contained in your file are automatically applied to your first-choice WMU selection. If you do NOT receive your first choice, the points are applied to your second choice, but will remain in your file for the following year, regardless of your second choice selection results.
Qualifying landowners and disabled veterans will receive their first choice DMP in all open WMUs.
Preference Points are not WMU specific. That is, if you earned a preference point by being denied in one WMU, you can use that preference point in a subsequent year when applying for a DMP in a different WMU.
No. The $10 is non-refundable. The first round of DMP’s operates as a “lottery” system.
Licensing agents do not have the ability to print your actual lifetime license. You would need to contact NYS to have them mail you your license.
The Town can reprint your license, however, you may be charged for the new license per NYS DEC. The Town of Caledonia doesn’t have the ability to waive fees.
You may purchase your license at our office (3109 Main Street, Caledonia, NY 14423) during the hours of Monday-Thursday: 8 A.M. – 12 P.M. and 1 P.M. – 4 P.M. or Friday’s from 8 A.M. – 12 P.M.
If you are unable to make it during our hours, you may purchase your license online at this link.
The Town of Caledonia is simply a vendor that is able to sell licenses. We do not have anything to do with the price of your license. All prices are set by New York State and must be charged by the vendor to the customer. The State retains the majority of the fee.
No. The New York State DEC sets the rates for all of their products and services and as a vendor, the Town of Caledonia must comply with their pricing.
New York State does not offer the Sportsman license as they had prior (in one combined item). The items are broken apart and can be added/customized how you want. For example: if you want a hunting license and fishing license, but don’t want turkey tags, you can do that. Turkey tags, amongst others, are additional add-on’s through the NYS DECALS system.
No. We do not have the ability to sell you a duck stamp. Most postal offices and sporting good stores can provide this to you.